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Financial Feminist

Overcome the Patriarchy's Bullsh*t to Master Your Money and Live a Life you Love

Published in 2022, Tori Dunlap unveils in this book the secrets to why you should invest, how to take the first step and dive into a new learning curve. If you are a rookie in this field, this book might be just the right start.

Founder of "Her first $100k", a financial education company, and business podcaster and speaker, Tori has come a long way since her blogger days. With funny, compelling arguments, she will make you think about how to uplevel your life in a stable, content and thriving kind of way.

It is an act of protest to prioritize rest instead of hustle, abundance rather than scarcity, and generosity in place of stockpiling. In a world that actively works to keep us playing small, it is an act of protest to be stable, content, and powerful.

Financial Feminist touches on the emotions around money, the narratives that keep us from being financially educated and how systemic oppression has shaped our world. The book breaks down important investment concepts and motivates you to think about your financial game plan, taking into account intentional purchases, earning and debt.

Tori encourages you to lean into the financial pool and finally take the plunge.


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