"The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile"
For those readers interested in upping their game to boost productivity and profit from better time management, this book by Cal Newport might be just what you need.
A world that was pierced through the heart with a pandemic has shown all of us how the right balance between work and leisure (and really using that time for the better) is of the utmost importance.
We are torn between the pressure of constantly showing our worth in an information economy that demands skilled workers, and the internal desire to generate meaning in our craft. Cal Newport shows the example of many journalists that have to focus deeply to investigate a story and follow all its trails, while also maintaining a social media presence that is evermore prevailing.
If we think about it, every time we try to achieve a goal and are successful because we overcame all of the challenges ahead, we feel satisfaction due to the progress we made. However, to be successful we need to do deep work, that means no distractions (yes, that also goes for the notifications on your phone).
The author calls on the readers of his book to be "disciples of depth in a shallow world". That can be tricky and that is why he mentions the extreme value of structuring what you are going to do with your time.
"Put another way, a wooden wheel is not noble, but its shaping can be. The same applies to knowledge work. You don't need a rarified job; you need instead a rarified approach to your work"
I agree with the author's stance on deep work and why it is so valuable. Nevertheless, his examples do tend to forget about working women and their circumstances. I feel that if the book were to be reedited in the future, it should include a little bit more variety in its case studies. The book does make interesting points when addressing common concerns around the use of technology, appropriate boundaries at work and trying to achieve a work-life balance. It might even inspire some of you to change your approach towards your craft and turn it into a more enjoyable and efficient experience.