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30 jun 20226 Min. de lectura
How the word is passed
A reckoning with the history of slavery across America. In his book How the word is passed, Clint Smith takes us on an unexpected journey...
17 ene 20224 Min. de lectura
Unworthy Republic: The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory
Claudio Saunt's Unworthy Republic focuses on a clear and impactful mission: to account for the expulsion of Native Americans from east to...
9 abr 20206 Min. de lectura
Un Renacimiento hecho por mujeres
En su libro, Mujeres invisibles: Sesgo de datos en un mundo diseñado para hombres, Caroline Criado Perez profundiza en la brecha de datos...
9 abr 20205 Min. de lectura
A Renaissance by women
In her book, Invisible women. Data bias in a world designed for men, Caroline Criado Perez delves into the gender data gap that continues...
9 abr 20204 Min. de lectura
Una pálida memoria
En su libro Pale Rider, Laura Spinney investiga el suceso de la gripe española de 1918. Fue en la altura del paisaje alpino de Peio, en...
9 abr 20203 Min. de lectura
The Deceptive Cloud
With Internet wars, journalist Natalia Zuazo seeks to demolish misconceptions about the internet's intricate network. “We have to...
9 abr 20203 Min. de lectura
Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind
“Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don´t know what they want?” A fingerprint is the logo...
9 abr 20202 Min. de lectura
Volume Control. Hearing in a Deafening World
I first heard of Volume Control through my book club. One of the members brought back to us a typical question that could arise at some...
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